Saturday, 24 October 2009

BNP on Question Time

I spent most of the day following this show watching various news channels including Sky News and it came as no surprise to me that support for the BNP has increased following the show.
The whole show was devoted to attacking the BNP and Nick Griffin.
Question Time was not the place for it, this should be left to other programmes such as Panorama.


While Nick Griffin would have to put a gun to my head to make me vote BNP the undeniable truth is that he is prepared to speak up on issues that the other parties would rather ignore.
In my view Jack Straw came off worse following this show.
Immigration affects us all (and that includes those of mixed race who were born in this country) and it's clearly out of control.
If the BNP were not a rascist organisation they would be attracting large numbers of new members this week.
In a poll today a fifth of those polled stated they would now "Seriously Consider" joining the BNP.
Clearly the main reason for this is the current immigration situation.

It's not just the huge numbers of both legal and illegal immigrants that is causing the unrest which in my view is about to explode into violence.
It's the preferential treatment given to them by many councils at the expense of those born here.
Many have criminal convictions and continue to commit crimes in this country yet are allowed to remain here.
Our prisons are full of them yet no real action has been taken to solve this problem.

My step-daughter who has two children to support became unemployed a few weeks ago due to health problems yet is still waiting for her benefits to be paid.
She is unable to pay her rent which is causing problems with her landlady.
As a result of all the stress she recently suffered a miscarriage.
At the same time Asylum Seekers are being given pocket money despite already being fed and housed.


I moved to this area a few years ago following redundancy and spent the first four years here out of work,
At the same time local companies were employing large numbers of foreign workers.
I get sick of hearing politicians and businessmen on TV telling us that the immigrants are needed to fill those jobs that we are not willing to do.
This is total nonsense and it's insulting to those struggling to find work.

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