Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Swine Flu - The Lies Continue

Both Sky news and The Daily Mail have run stories over the past couple of days which are designed to encourage mothers to have their children vaccinated.
The Daily Mail, despite the growing evidence that it's a huge risk, has devoted a two page spread to promoting the jab.

Both are following the government advisers line of downplaying the dangers of the vaccine.

Many GP's who were previously against the jab have changed their tune after being handed a £27K bonus.

The facts are....

There are two companies supplying the vaccine which our GP's are about to inject into our chidren and are already giving to expectant mothers.


In February this year Baxter sent out a "LIVE VIRUS" in its seasonal flu vaccines, it was only discovered by accident.
Experts in the industry claim this could not have happened by accident.
Just a few weeks later there was an outbreak of swine flu just 50 miles from Baxters lab in Mexico.

As for Glaxo, if you're wondering why there seems to be very little truth being published regarding the swine flu then read on..........

James Murdoch - Son of Rupert Murdoch
CEO of News International Ltd who is ideally placed to control propaganda regarding the swine Flu & the vaccine. James Murdoch was appointed to the board of directors of Glaxo SmithKline PLC 20th May 2009.

Sir Roy Anderson (Scientist) – sits on the governments SAGE committee and is a director of Glaxo SmithKline the purveyors of the swine flu vaccine to H.M Government with a nice little pay packet of £116k a year, at least a quarter of what he receives from his shares ….hold on surely this amounts to a ‘conflict of interests’.

SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) recommends that everyone should have the yet untested, unsafe and toxic Swine Flu Vaccine.

There is no mention in any UK news media of the Crisis in the Ukraine which now appears to have Spread to Norway.

The truth about Swine Flu is being deliberately suppressed.

At best our government is guity of gross negligence (There is no way they cannot know that Baxter sent out a live virus just a few months ago).

An Avalanche Of Reports Of Adverse Reactions To The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine
– And Yet World Health Authorities Continue To Insist That It Is Safe.

And More Here

What can we do to stop this vaccination program?

Firstly let your doctor know why you are refusing the jab.
Also tell your MP, the local press and everybody you know.
Ask them to do the same.

Do not rely on the press or advice from Government Agencies, they are lying to you.
The truth is being suppressed.

Don't be fooled by people claiming they've had the jab and suffered no ill effects.
The side effects of the jab might not become obvious for months.

Swine Flu Prevention and Treatment, Can Vitamin D help?


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