Saturday, 7 November 2009

Violent Thugs Given Cautions

At the same time Jack Straw announces that 30 magistrates courts are to close because they are half empty a Panorama Investigation has shown evidence that many violent criminals are being let off with a slap on the wrist.


Yet more proof that crime hasn't gone down at all, it's on the increase as we all know only too well.
We didn't need Panorama to tell us this.

Violent Thugs Given Cautions

"Student Dean Martin was gouged in the face with a bottle in a pub toilet. He said: "I nearly fainted at the amount of blood I was losing."
"The unprovoked attack left him needing 24 stitches - yet it was dealt with by a caution".

"Assistant Chief Constable Chris Weigh, of the Association of Chief Police Officers, denied cautions were "a soft option", saying: "They are recorded on a criminal record."

Chris Weigh should be sacked immediately if this is his idea of good policing.

Figures obtained by shadow police spokesman David Ruffley show that, between 2000 and 2008, an astonishing 2.2million people have received police cautions
Of these, 550,000 have received repeat cautions - including 51,874 people who have received four or more slaps upon the wrist.

The number of criminals receiving two cautions in a single year has increased by 60 per cent, from 21,842 in 2000 to 34,785 in 2008, while the number getting three cautions in a single year has increased by 45 per cent, from 3,934 to 5,714.

Most worryingly, the number receiving four or more cautions in a single year has increased by 21 per cent, from 2,480 to 3,013.

Over the eight years, 23,588 people have received four or more cautions in a single year. Some 104,915 have received three cautions and 397,458 have received two cautions

Read more

"Half of all criminal cases brought to justice in England and Wales are now dealt with out of court".

No wonder many courts are half empty Mr Straw.
You are a traitor with blood on your hands.
Many people, particularly the elderly and infirm, are living in terror because you are allowing violent criminals to walk the streets.
If you had any honour you would resign immediately.

Tough on Crime?

Of course this all part of the Common Purpose plan.

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